Curriculum Road MapsWe are here if you need help deciding exactly what to teach, and when to teach it.
Report Cards & H.S. TranscriptsIf you'd like them, we provide report cards each semester at no additional charge. We can also help you with your high school transcripts. Fees for this service vary, depending upon your needs.
High School DiplomaAs a graduate of Life Learning Academy, you will receive a diploma signed by our administrator..
We are a private umbrella school that is exclusive to homeschoolers of all types in the state of Florida.
Here at Life Learning Academy, we believe in a holistic approach to homeschooling. We believe that every member of the homeschooling family should be supported. This holistic approach ensures that no matter what type of support you need, we'll make it available to you if or when you need it.
We invite exceptional learners of all types and have dedicated faculty members who are experts in exceptionalities such as dyslexia, speech pathology and giftedness. We know how to support you, the homeschool parent, because we are homeschool parents, too! See our Meet Your Support Team page for more information about your new support team. |